Thursday 20 December 2012

Yukon Blonde On World Cafe

Courtesy of the artist Yukon Blonde. Yukon Blonde.

Courtesy of the artist "Sweet Dee""Stairway""Nico Canmore"

The physical environment surrounding a band can have a pronounced influence on the songs said band produces, whether it's a sunny beach in Malibu or a craggy, wind-swept hillside in Scotland.

Given that Yukon Blonde calls Vancouver home, it wouldn't be surprising if the group's music took some cues from the perpetually rainy skies that settle over the city every winter. Perhaps as escapism, though, the songs written by Jeff Innes, Brandon Scott, Graham Jones and John Jeffrey have an inherently sunny quality to them, drawing heavily from 1970s American radio-rock.

Here, Yukon Blonde runs through a few of those songs during the band's visit to World Cafe.

View the original article here

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